Thursday, 30 March 2023
What’s New?
A. HSSE Inspection Update
- Can delete individual findings (draft)
- Findings with any status (submitted not draft) can be voided with reasons
- Users who can void the finding are users with Project Role Inspector
- Information about the user who made the void can be seen on the Void Info menu
- When the finding is voided by the inspector, the Inspector and PIC will receive a telegram notification
- Inspection cannot be deleted if there is already a finding in it, it can only be deleted if the Inspection is empty
- Update Icons on HSSE Inspection

B. RERTO Inspection Update
- Update the filter tab from Date Created to Date Inspection
- Displays the Inspection list on the Records Page that corresponds to the Inspection Datetime in the Inspection Requestt

C. Login Update
Fixed the error message below by providing a more understandable error message

New error message