Login to CTMS
Fill in all prerequisite information
You can search by attachment name, by writing the name of the attachment file in the search field
You can search by attachment caption, by writing the attached file caption in the search field
You can search by form or document number, by writing the form or document number in the search field
Select the prerequisite documents and they will appear at the top of the prerequisite list
Other Information
If there is no file name, the form number will be displayed
Type of Filter
- Latest 30 Days, Displays the latest list of prerequisites that have been approved in the last 30 days
- Today, displays a list of prerequisites that have been approved today
- Last 30 Days, Displays a list of prerequisitions that have been approved in the last 30 days
- Last 6 Months, Displays a list of prerequisitions that have been approved in the last 6 months
- Older than 6 months, displays a list of prerequisites that have been approved for more than 6 months
- User Defined, Users can determine the range of approved prerequiste lists by selecting the start date and end date