- Login to CTMS
- In the RERTO Inspection module, click Conduct RE/RTO Inspection
- Click [ + ] button on inspection detail list
- Fill in the Location, Location Remark, Inspection Scope, Inspection Sub Scope, and Description of Work to be Inspected fields
- Next select RE 1 person, if needed select RE 2 as well (Optional)
- Attach Documents if any, the maximum number of attachments is 10 items
- Attach RE/RTO Inspection Checklist (required)
- If you have submitted an Inspection checklist previously in Records or in My Tasks, your Inspection checklist will appear in the list.
- If you have not submitted an Inspection Checklist, you can create an Inspection Checklist by clicking the CREATE button.
- Attach Site Inspection Checlist
The default date filter is Last 30 Days, and the Checklist only will appear in the list if the checklist has already been completed
- Fill in the signature, then click SUBMIT.
- After submitting, the inspection request status is "Pending Confirmation" and will appear on the list beside the RE/RTO Inspection module calendar
– VOID = To cancel an inspection request
– EDIT = Edit the Inspection detail
– COPY = As long as it hasn't been confirmed by RE, you can still edit the inspection detail
– REMOVE = To Remove Inspection