Infrastructure Week 2018 in Indonesia

In its 6th year, the Indonesia Infrastructure Week (IIW) 2018 would bring together some 16,000 trade & professional attendees from across the Transport, Energy, Utilities and Construction & Engineering Sectors. For 3 days, all the key stakeholders from across the Indonesia infrastructure supply chain come together to learn about new opportunities, exchange ideas, see the latest products & services and network with their peers.
IIW 2018 will be held at a different and larger venue, the Jakarta International Expo in Kemayoran from previous years, to accommodate a much larger space requirement and for better exhibition show floor planning. The event has adopted a show-within-a-show concept of having 6 vertical trade shows focusing on different priority sectors with highly targeted buyers and sellers for each sector. IIW 2018 is also co-located with the world-class Intertraffic Indonesia brand from Amsterdam and the established Konstruksi Indonesia which focuses on Infrastructure Construction and Engineering